Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Diaries: Spiral

I have a new label for my blog posts! Weekend Diaries. 
We never do this before because the conflicts in our schedules forbid us to do so. But ever since that incident wherein my mom was rushed in the ER, we thought that it was time again to spend some family quality time. It's very sad though that my brother and my dad aren't around :( I'm really looking forward to that day when we can do this as a complete family. I really miss the boys. 

Anyway, I'm dodging the drama. 

Yesterday, we woke up early  and went to MOA at 10am so we could reserve a table in Vikings. We got there at around 11am and guess what...we were on the waiting list. Number 18. That was like our 3rd attempt to try to get in to the buffet but I guess it wasn't just meant for us. As they say, when a door closes a new window opens (is that how the original quote runs? I'm not sure but I know you get the point :P). In our case, Spiral was the window.

Best buffet in town. No joke.

 I practically almost died of food coma.

(And from the way I'm writing, it's really obvious that I'm not in the mood so I'll skip all the story and the cheesy lines. Basta, I'm a happy kid. I'm Blessed beyond measure and My family...
...well, it's honestly okay if I never get to travel the world and own a Balenciaga or an R8 just as long as I'm with them. They're perfect and never in my entire life had I ever wished I was born in another <3.)

*I guess the drama was still able to hit me. Oh well, I have already accepted the fact that I'll never get over being the sappy person that I am. :)*

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