Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's your Status?

We went to John's house last April because he said his family had a box of magnum and Kaycee and I didnt even think of saying "no" so we took the cab (or did we ride the jeep? I can't remember) and hurried to his house. It was a usual bonding day with College friends and nothing can ever be as ordinary as watching a horror movie, planning out of town trips for summer and filling our empty stomachs with junk foods and ice cream. They were all watching Orphan but I've seen the movie countless of times so I just sat on the floor and read through my twitter feed. School tweets, stress tweets, MMDA tweets, News tweets, fashion tweets, football tweets...Okay, what's new? Well, Tina Herrera RT-ed Dan Buenaventura (Account Manager of Status Magazine) and they were looking for a foreign looking, tall and lean guy who can model for their editorial page. 

HELLO, John Martin Locsin Cailles!

I showed the tweet to John and everyone in the room but they were just not interested at all. It was like "Hello, we're watching can you like...shut up?!" haha! Joking! But I was getting hyped up because John was really the guy they're looking for. So, I asked John if I could send them his photos and he was even hesitating so I told him it's not a scam! You're not gonna get hurt! Hello, Tina Herrera (The executive producer of PFW TV and Runway TV Asia) wouldn't tweet something that is fraud. He just said okay. 
I sent sir Dan his photos from our first year College photoshoot and he liked them so he asked for John's contact details and email address.

The next thing I know, John got the deal. 

He was even panicking because no one was available to accompany him for the shoot at Enderun until Bai agreed to go with him. We had to wait for a month and a half for the issue to be released and we were just all excited - yes, John was, too. He said he enjoyed the shoot and told me that he might just consider modeling as a career. Hihi. Hello, uhh that's what everyone's been telling you!!! Well, you see, John isn't easy to read. There's more to his gwapo face (John, if you're reading this...can i make a list? haha). He has the looks but he isn't the typical guy who would brag about it. First impressions of him are usually shy, cautious, apprehensive and, sometimes, reluctant and unwilling but if you would just get the chance to know him more...you'll be amazed not just at his corny jokes and the funny faces he makes but at how wonderful his heart is (yuck! i'm getting cheesy). I'm honestly serious, though :) He's not one who would say yes immediately without over thinking things (he might not agree but that's how I see it) so it astounded us all when we found out he agreed to model. Everyone in our barkada was just deeply and genuinely happy and proud of him!

So here are the pictures from Status: The Green Issue (Miranda Kerr's on the coverrrr btw! :D)

It might not be much for someone who does modeling on a regular basis but to appear on four pages of a well-known youth culture magazine... it's something :D


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