Thursday, May 03, 2012

Snippets of Kiltepan Peak, Sagada

Believe it or not but in my 19 years of existence, I have never witnessed an actual sunrise. I mean, yes I've seen a sun up in the morning but I have never seen the golden disk slowly appearing over the horizon and gracefully uncovering itself from the dark clouds while illumintaing the valley below it. Who would've thought that the MOST BEAUTIFUL scene my eyes have ever laid on (so far) would be in the mountainous province of Sagada? 

Having only 5 hours of sleep and then waking up at 5 in the morning with extreme muscle pain (from spelunking) and without a drop of coffee in my mouth seems like a very bad way of getting up. When our tour guide said that we'd be waking up early to see the sunrise while on the mountain with the clouds below us - I thought 'hey, okay that doesn't seem so beautiful...i mean, it's just the sun and the clouds. What kind of good view can they give us?' But i seemed to have underestimated this place because as we hurried up the steep hill and reached the top...

 ...I saw the most majestic and breathtaking thing EVER.

You know that part in the movie "Despicable me" when agnes said "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!" ? That was the reaction I had when I saw the sea of clouds. I also wanted to jump into it so bad...if only clouds weren't visible mass of aerosols.

I couldn't get enough of this place. No matter how much I stare at it I still couldn't get my head to look at another thing. I was overcome by awe. This is somehow a transcendence of a kind because I can't find enough adjectives and words to describe this place. What was unfolding right before my eyes was truly confounding and humbling at the same time and I couldn't be more thankful to Him for giving me an opportunity to witness what appeared to be the most splendid panorama I've ever seen. :)

I promised myself I'm going to visit this place again. 

#1 regret: Why in the world did I not bring the SLR? :((
Pictures from Sir Josh.

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