Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Philippine Fashion Week S/S 2012: L'Oreal Presents Michael Cinco

Two days ago was my very first time to ever watch PFW thanks to Carla Magno, my cousin, who is currently working as an intern for Runway Productions for giving us tickets to the event.

Before scrolling down i would first like to apologize for the poor quality of the images. We got in late so we were seated at the last row and ...we had no SLR :((

Anyway, here's what I wore..

and here are my beautiful cousins: Ate Val, Ate Carla and Ate Bimand here are the photos of Michael Cinco's Collection from ate Val's camera (because my point and shoot failed me) :

Love thiiiiis!

Anne Curtis!

The Finale.. That's real water by the way and that model is no other than CLAIRE JAMES of ANTM Cycle 10! <3CONFETTI!

I wasn't able to take a picture of Micheal Cinco because the people gave him a standing ovation and I was just too overwhelmed when I saw him. You know that feeling when you see your crush and you want to shout because you're so kilig but can't? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I FELT.

The collection was just BRILLIANT! If i were nearer the runway and i could see each and every detail of his intricate designs I would just probably be there on my chair...drooling over his works the entire show. MAN, MICHAEL CINCO IS A GENIUS! OHMYGOSHHHHHAJDKLSKIEMDXSMKM ♥ ♥ ♥

Even up to know I'm still on a Michael Cinco Hangover. You can check his site at

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