Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Thank You, Stranger

A week ago, I stayed at Seattle's Best in greenbelt because I missed their black and white mocha - one of my favorite drinks! People would usually see me holding Starbucks Coffee but if truth be told I Prefer Seattle's Best Coffee (SBC) because their drinks are sweeter than those from other cafes. Anyway, the story is... I was sitting  in one of the tables while reading my OR book when a foreigner ( he's either from UK or USA, not entirely sure), who was sitting on the other table asked me a question.

Stranger: You're studying nursing?

Me: Yes

Stranger: That's a lot of school

Me: Yeah, but four years in college is normal for us here in the Philippines.

Stranger: I see. There are a lot of nurses in our country and they're very good. So, do you plan to go abroad after college?

Me: Depends. But i'll probably stay here for two year to get experience and after that...I don't know

Stranger: Well, that's good. Stay in your country first and serve her.

Me: that's what I wanna do.

Stranger: Good. Anyway, I gotta go now. Thanks for the time. Goodluck with your studies, that's a very noble job so just go on.

It's nice to hear from people that they appreciate the nobility of being a nurse. It's extremely difficult. So that stranger just made my day. The little talk we had gave me the strength and motivation to never give up.


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