Sunday, July 31, 2011

Case, case puro na lang case.

I don't blog as much anymore because i'm too busy with school and grand case. There's no lie when they say third year is going to eat you alive because right now, it's going cannibal on me. Stress is consuming me. I dont even know which to prioritize anymore. I have ward class this coming friday and the group case is due on wednesday. Grand case deadline and defense are  just looming around the corner and we haven't really started it. Individual case is due on saturday. It's midterm next week and not to mention the number of reports, reaction papers and quizzes we have to work on this week. Everything is just piling up and the load is getting heavier and heavier with each passing day. PM shift duty in MMC 6th front and standing for 7 hours isn't helping at all. OH, and we have to make a puppet show for the kids on friday. Of course, that's not a bad thing... i'm actually looking forward to the puppet show (even if i'm not really good with kids) because I know it'll help  and heal my patients. BUT its just that there's so much things to worry about. :(

well, im off now. I just wanted to let that out :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3 idiots

As students, we should never chase for the ranks. Competition is a silly game that eats us from within. Getting higher grades than our classmates doesn’t prove our intelligence, it doesn’t make us smart. Studying for the sake of getting “uno” isn’t studying at all. That’s pressuring ourselves. We should study for the sake of learning. We might fail at times but the most important thing there is the fact that we've learned a thing or two. Hard work is of course a vital ingredient of being a student but the motivation for that hard work should always be because we want to learn. Motivations should always be good and selfless.  We study not for the sole purpose of proving ourselves better than the others, not because we want to be on top or because we want a display of medals and trophies to brag about to our friends. Rather, we should study because we know we have the potential of gaining knowledge and sharing whatever it is we’ve learned to other people we will meet along the way.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On Trying


I need something to push me and make myself believe that NUMBERS DO NOT REFLECT WHO I REALLY AM.


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Thank You, Stranger

A week ago, I stayed at Seattle's Best in greenbelt because I missed their black and white mocha - one of my favorite drinks! People would usually see me holding Starbucks Coffee but if truth be told I Prefer Seattle's Best Coffee (SBC) because their drinks are sweeter than those from other cafes. Anyway, the story is... I was sitting  in one of the tables while reading my OR book when a foreigner ( he's either from UK or USA, not entirely sure), who was sitting on the other table asked me a question.

Stranger: You're studying nursing?

Me: Yes

Stranger: That's a lot of school

Me: Yeah, but four years in college is normal for us here in the Philippines.

Stranger: I see. There are a lot of nurses in our country and they're very good. So, do you plan to go abroad after college?

Me: Depends. But i'll probably stay here for two year to get experience and after that...I don't know

Stranger: Well, that's good. Stay in your country first and serve her.

Me: that's what I wanna do.

Stranger: Good. Anyway, I gotta go now. Thanks for the time. Goodluck with your studies, that's a very noble job so just go on.

It's nice to hear from people that they appreciate the nobility of being a nurse. It's extremely difficult. So that stranger just made my day. The little talk we had gave me the strength and motivation to never give up.