Sunday, January 06, 2013

Running at full speed: No break and No Second Take.

Stop thinking about the short cuts.

I have figured it out. All this time I have been focusing on the easier way to be financially stable  rich and it's been hindering me from setting goals and creating career pathways for myself. Nursing is not my passion but I have been trained to be one for over 3 years and there's no reasonable reason for me not to become one. Maybe, I'm blinded and overly jealous of others who, in a such a short course, have already achieved so much. Maybe, Nursing is the dream or maybe it isn't. But hey! Im already here. I'm learning how to drive the complexity and I know that someday, I'll run on autopilot. Maybe the problem lies on the fact that in everyday of my life I choose to hate it, that I always tell myself how it isn't meant for me. Maybe I won't work as a nurse in the future but I sure do hope that it's not going to make me stop living my life. I can't forever remain in deep shit. I dont want to eventually realize that I let myself spin out of the dream. I want to be constantly in it and give justice to what I really love doing.  I have to take the initial step to make it fit in my life. So screw the shortcuts and WORD HARD.

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