Sunday, January 06, 2013

Running at full speed: No break and No Second Take.

Stop thinking about the short cuts.

I have figured it out. All this time I have been focusing on the easier way to be financially stable  rich and it's been hindering me from setting goals and creating career pathways for myself. Nursing is not my passion but I have been trained to be one for over 3 years and there's no reasonable reason for me not to become one. Maybe, I'm blinded and overly jealous of others who, in a such a short course, have already achieved so much. Maybe, Nursing is the dream or maybe it isn't. But hey! Im already here. I'm learning how to drive the complexity and I know that someday, I'll run on autopilot. Maybe the problem lies on the fact that in everyday of my life I choose to hate it, that I always tell myself how it isn't meant for me. Maybe I won't work as a nurse in the future but I sure do hope that it's not going to make me stop living my life. I can't forever remain in deep shit. I dont want to eventually realize that I let myself spin out of the dream. I want to be constantly in it and give justice to what I really love doing.  I have to take the initial step to make it fit in my life. So screw the shortcuts and WORD HARD.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

2012 was life-changing. It was probably one of the best years of my life because I was able to push myself to the limit. It was a year full of surprises and accomplishments. I was able to get the clinical efficiency award, I won the Student Council Elections, I helped out pioneering various projects for the school, I was able to survive thesis defense with my groupmates and the other little goals I was able to achieve. There were also horrible and unexpected events that happened in the latter part of the year and I am grateful for all the challenges. I was able realize how strong of a person I can be and that I learned how to transform the negativity into something substantial. I am overwhelmed with the events of 2012 but above everything else, I am just thankful for the fact that I am surrounded by the people I genuinely love. It's even more incredible to know that there are people who are willing to be with you in any given situation and choose to be with you no matter what. I had to do a lot of crazy things last 2012. I had to sacrifice my love for dancing for half of the semester in order to give way for familial and more important matters. A lot of people said it was sayang  but I really beg to disagree because through the turbulent events I was able to come out not just as a stronger person but also one who is capable of prioritizing the important matters in life. They said I'm crazy for even thinking of stepping down in the council, giving up the position as assistant chairperson for a major college event and for the other missed opportunities...but if I need to do crazy things in order to grow as a better person then I am willing to do it all over again - even if it means putting my other dreams on hold. Everything I am creating right now is powered by the Love I am receiving from the incredible families I am part of,  the thought that I can eventually give back all the sacrifices my parents have done for me and the endless possibilities of being able to contribute something good to the world. These are probably the reasons why I am more than excited to fill in the pages of 2013. It is a promising year for me - Graduation, Review Class, Nursing Licensure Exam, Getting the letters R and N stitched after my name, being officially unemployed and officially employed as a nurse. This year marks my maturity and three months from now - my independence.

Honestly, there were things I wished I had done better but past is past and things cannot be undone. All I have to do now is learn, grow and transform. I cannot remain all dumbfounded and stupefied with my immense capability to pursue the BIGGER things. I need to claim what is within reach.

Let's kick ass and go for the kill, 2013!

Random shots from 2012.

I am surrounded by incredible people who motivate me to be the best that I can be...ALL THE TIME.
Thank you guys for making me realize that I am BLESSED and that I have nothing more to ask!

To my Family and cousins, Elites, my class barkada, IV-A, RLE groupmates, Creampies, Soup, Triso, My clinical instructors especially Maam magpatoc, Maam Go and Sir Jiel, the wonderful people of Cavinti especially to my foster families, Blue Owls, Pyretics Dance Squad, Student Council and Leaders,  MMCCN Alumni especially to kuya Oscar, Kuya Mar, ate Ode and Mommy E....Thank you for helping me grow holistically and I wish to work (or party, haha) with you guys again because  really, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. :)

*Credits to the people who took the pictures above. Sorry, too many to mention*