Saturday, June 23, 2012

Speeding Cars

I plan to finish all my things to do list in 24hours straight. It's actually quite impossible but I'll make use of all the time I have. It's been really hard for me to prioritize my duties and responsibilities as a student. It's even harder now because every step I take will not only affect me but everyone else in the group. It has been extremely exhausting the past few days and I know that the next few weeks (or months?) will be tougher. Ill drink more coffee than usual, eat more or eat nothing at all, sleep in class, not be able to study for quizzes, sacrifice movie dates for communication letters etc. For some, they say that I'm stupid for taking on big responsibilities when I can just sulk and be a bum. It is true. I, myself, find "me" crazy... but working for others or for a bigger purpose is something that makes me happy. I am truly blessed to be able to see how the very small things in life can be important parts of the bigger picture. I know that everything I am doing now contributes to the making of my vision  and accomplishment of my missions and goals (haha, parang student handbook lang ba?).

It's always heart fulfilling to know that I'm working for a purpose and not merely doing things because im required to. There's no guarantee that things will be easier or fun but the process will surely make me a better person and that, for me, is important. 

I'd really love to tell more about the first week of senior life but there's still way too much unfinished papers to work on.

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