Thursday, May 03, 2012

Snippets of The Banaue Rice Terraces

Do you remember back in preschool/gradeschool when your teachers ask you to bring postcards of any places in the Philippines and they post the pictures on the classroom wall? They then let you memorize the names of the places and you won't be able to go home unless you can identify the postcard they show you? I can vividly remember back then how I was the first one to go home because I knew what the Rice Terraces looked like. I was very much interested in the Terraces primarily because it was referred to and known worldwide as the 8th wonder of the world. I was also very much fascinated as to how such stairs (as I thought back then) exist and how it was done. According to historical accounts, the rice terraces were made mostly by the hands of the native Ifugaos and it was reckoned that if the Rice Terraces were to be placed end to end flat on ground, it will encircle half of the globe.

Random thought: A year ago, I have learned from my Humanities class that nature cannot be regarded as an art because it is God's creation. Nature is something incomparable to anything that's man made. however, looking at this picture made me ask 'what if nature becomes so marvelous because of man's hands?' Can it now be considered as an artfwork? 
People say that the Terraces is a perfect example of harmony between humans and nature and I absolutely agree. I mean, just look at can you possibly just create something so unreal and unlikely to be shaped just by pure hand work. I kept on staring at the entirety of the Rice Terraces and it's so incomprehensible. It really is a living proof of the genius engineering of the Ifugaos. Unfortunately, this cultural heritage is slowly disintegrating due to climate change, erosion and other several factors. 

With Ma'am Roxy, Eirene, Sir Brian and Ma'am Ivy....and sir Rommel


Mom :)

With the 'gang' 

If you are a nature lover, like me, this place is a must see. It's truly a perfect escape from Manila's pollution and extreme heat.

Pictures from: Sir Brian, Sir Josh, Ma'am Eireen

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