Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Diaries: Spiral

I have a new label for my blog posts! Weekend Diaries. 
We never do this before because the conflicts in our schedules forbid us to do so. But ever since that incident wherein my mom was rushed in the ER, we thought that it was time again to spend some family quality time. It's very sad though that my brother and my dad aren't around :( I'm really looking forward to that day when we can do this as a complete family. I really miss the boys. 

Anyway, I'm dodging the drama. 

Yesterday, we woke up early  and went to MOA at 10am so we could reserve a table in Vikings. We got there at around 11am and guess what...we were on the waiting list. Number 18. That was like our 3rd attempt to try to get in to the buffet but I guess it wasn't just meant for us. As they say, when a door closes a new window opens (is that how the original quote runs? I'm not sure but I know you get the point :P). In our case, Spiral was the window.

Best buffet in town. No joke.

 I practically almost died of food coma.

(And from the way I'm writing, it's really obvious that I'm not in the mood so I'll skip all the story and the cheesy lines. Basta, I'm a happy kid. I'm Blessed beyond measure and My family...
...well, it's honestly okay if I never get to travel the world and own a Balenciaga or an R8 just as long as I'm with them. They're perfect and never in my entire life had I ever wished I was born in another <3.)

*I guess the drama was still able to hit me. Oh well, I have already accepted the fact that I'll never get over being the sappy person that I am. :)*

Sunday, November 18, 2012

All I Need

I was scheduled for duty in a certain lying in in Makati yesterday but thank God it was cancelled. My clinical instructor got sick the whole day yesterday and I was actually saddened because I still need three deliveries for my completion. I have yet again to go through my messed up schedule and see where I can fit my extra duties. But things happen for a reason and I'm happy to say that I have chosen to spend my "night shift" with my family rather than sulking and bumming at home. We decided to have a very late dinner at Ayala Triangle because my mother wanted to see the symphony of lights and sounds. It was breathtaking and it seemed like I was part of those Christmas Coca Cola commercials that make you reminisce of happy thoughts. The Christmas songs were magnetizing and I just couldn't stop being so amazed with the play of lights. Everyone should really see it! After watching, we headed to Wee Nam Kee - a Singaporean restaurant that is famous for their Hainanese chicken.

 Tastes really good and not to mention really healthy. The chicken is half roasted and half steamed. :)

With my Sister

With my mom..whom I totally love, adore and admire despite her natural lack of ability to smile at photographs. hehe :P 

I love my family more than anything else and I'm truly grateful and blessed to be given the time to bond with them. I may have dropped some of the things I love doing but there is certainly no regret because I know I have chosen the good and right decisions in life. Right now, I can feel that my life is not just a bliss of joyful moments but an unlimited, continuous array of happiness.  

You are alive with just the fact that a lot of people love you and that the love you can share is so much bigger.

Friday, November 16, 2012

One More Night

Spontaneity. I guess that's one thing I've learned in College. You can't truly enjoy life when you stick to certain number of "things to do" and time management. It is when the unplanned plans turn into moments for life that you appreciate every single tick in the you never want it to slow down or come to an end.  

I am blessed to have John and Arcee in my life. I have probably mentioned it over and over again but I think that when you are given treasures, it becomes an automatic response to be proud about them. The same goes for my friends. I am extremely and beyond galaxy grateful for having such baliw buddies who never get tired of each others company. We never run out of random jokes to throw at each other, stories to share and  life problems to answer. We don't need the alcohol to get wild, the drugs to get high or the cigarettes to relax. We just need US (and maybe some food :P) and that shoos away the bad vibes. 

I am really Happy. :)

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Sticks and stones will break my what?

I am whiny and I complain when the need arises or when I'm feeling all so stubbornly out-righteous.  It's something I never really like doing but somehow my autonomic nervous system always finds a way to send viral signals telling me to "JUST GO AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT, YOU FREAKING WOMAN!"  That's a pathological reflex powered by a shot of adrenaline. Yeah, It's  probably one of those illnesses that forbids you to act like a normal rational person. But hey, we need an outburst sometimes. I can't stop talking when I know I'm right especially when the words being formed by my mouth and vibrated by my voicebox are so perfectly constructed that I, sometimes, even get surprised. It's like my eyes always give that feeling of "what do you have to say now, mister?" And that's a win-win situation.

There are days, though, when I know that I cannot pull myself together and cannot divulge any personal matters that's beyond my emotional capacity. My tears are very shallow and I guess that's already a given fact especially to those who really know me. I have the tendency to be emotionally unstable but just to a certain degree that is...still considered normal. I know well how to balance the three parts of my psyche so I know for sure I'm not ending up in an asylum.

I'm not wrecked. It's just that the events that have occurred are giving me a sense of so much responsibilities. You know...the pressure.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Food Snaps for the Weekend

Healthy Shabu Shabu and Buffet 101

All photos taken by Venice Furio

Thesis. Thesis. Thesis

If there's really one thing in the world I'd never want to do EVER again, it would be this. It wasn't about the stress. No, definitely not. Four years in college have taught me how to use swords and guns in preparation for battles like this. I (I know I have my groupmates with me but just for emphasis purposes I'll use 'I' instead of 'we' so as not to generalize the whole group because they might have different thoughts regarding thesis) fought it out right - although not perfectly- just in a sense that it rewarded me with a good grade. But grades were never my target (at this point in life) because two years ago, I told myself that If I am to devout my time and energy on something then it has to be driven by a significant purpose and not by mere numbers. If the energy I gave for this project was just ultimately based on aspiring to get Best Thesis  or a grade of 90 and above then I am no better than a blind cat endlessly chasing for something it would never figure out. So, frankly speaking, I was working on this for two semesters not knowing its purpose. I remember one time when me and my groupmates were talking and I mentioned that I'd rather have grand case presentations every semester wherein I could apply all my nursing skills and knowledge rather than working on one thesis that I would never seem to understand. I never liked the process of thesis making one bit because my heart was not in it. Throughout the process I must admit that I only worked as a machine because I needed to produce results and nothing more. 

There was one point though where my group's thesis adviser said that at the end of everything... no matter what the result of your data gathering is, no matter what grades the panel give you and no matter what other people would say about your study, it would just all boil down to one thing - Relevance of the study. At that point, I assured myself that there is a reason for doing this thing. Maybe, it wasn't just crystal clear at my side of the window. I hope that I get to see the purpose of this all at one point in time.  

Ready for submission.

All done :) Thank you Ma'am Magpatoc for everything you've taught us. 

Being a pig after the defense :D

Hi THESIS IT GIRLS! Thanks for trusting me as the leader of the group. Thank you for understanding my shortcomings and my selfish attitude sometimes. I love you mga Miss, haha! May Yabu date pa tayo :(